30 days before the move
What do you do a month before the move? First, do not panic! Panic will only ensure that you end up in a negative spiral. You will therefore take the reins and do some proper planning. These tips can help you:
Consumption following stocks
It is now a good time to consume that which can be excluded from transportation. Think of things like frozen foods, detergents, hazardous chemicals, etc.
Buy packing material
Start collecting packing boxes and packing material. You can get this material in your local supermarket or at a specialist shop. If you want to be economical (or eco-friendly) you can recycle used boxes. Other requirements include: tape, paper tissues, scissors, etc.
Grab the things that you use infrequently
The first thing you need to do is pack the stuff you do not need in the coming days / weeks. If you move in the summer it cannot hurt to pack all your ski suits, for example.
Deliver the moving date to your favorite moving company
Call the moving company and confirm the moving date. Ask for a confirmation via e-mail or letter. Be sure that there are no misunderstandings between the two parties.
Inform authorities, friends and family of your new address
Go to your local post office to pass on your new location. This way they can immediately forward your post to your new address. Also notify any creditors, banking institutions, etc. of your move.
Close all contracts with utilities
If your utilities such as gas, water and electricity are in your name, tell these utilities that you're moving. You can in this way determine a reference date from which their services are no longer required. (Request to close these services on your moving day) This can save unwanted expenses and abuse.
Provide for new utilities
You will be doing the same at the place of destination. Let them know the date when you will arrive and want to start using the utilities. This way you ensure that you will have water, gas and electricity upon arrival at your new destination.
Cancel your subscriptions
Now is the perfect time to possibly cancel your magazine and newspaper subscriptions or to inform them of the address change so your favorite magazine is delivered to your new address.
Consider a garage sale
One of the best ways to reduce your moving expenses and earn some money at the same time is organizing a garage sale.
What about things that are lent or borrowed?
Did you lend or borrow it yourself? Has your neighbor already returned the hammer he borrowed last week? If someone owes you money, then question this as soon as possible. This is also the right time to return things you've borrowed yourself.